Rapid iterative development with Tilt


This document describes how to use kind and Tilt for a simplified workflow that offers easy deployments and rapid iterative builds.


  1. Container Runtime Interface
  2. kind v0.9 or newer (other clusters can be used if preload_images_for_kind is set to false)
  3. kustomize
  4. Tilt v0.30.8 or newer
  5. envsubst or similar to handle clusterctl var replacement
  6. Clone the Cluster API repository locally
  7. Clone the cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud repository you want to deploy locally as well

If the user prefers to have Podman as the CRI, then follow the steps listed below:

  1. Emulate Docker CLI with Podman: Instructions can be found here
  2. On Mac OS migrate from Docker to Podman: Instructions can be found here.

1. Create Podman machine

$ podman machine init
$ podman machine start

2. Configure podman to use local registry

$ podman machine ssh
$ sudo vi /etc/containers/registries.conf

## at the end of the file add below content

location = "localhost:5001"
insecure = true

3. Restart Podman machine

podman machine stop
podman machine start

Create a kind cluster

First, make sure you have a kind cluster and that your KUBECONFIG is set up correctly.

Note: Execute the following from the cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud respository.

make kind-cluster

This local cluster will host the cluster-api controllers, which makes it the management cluster. The management cluster can be used to create and manage workload clusters on IBM Cloud.

Create a tilt-settings.yaml file

Next, create a tilt-settings.yaml file and place it in your local copy of cluster-api. Here is an example:

Example tilt-settings.yaml for CAPI-IBM clusters:

Make sure to set a valid API key for the field IBMCLOUD_API_KEY.

default_registry: "gcr.io/you-project-name-here"
- ../cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud
- ibmcloud
- kubeadm-bootstrap
- kubeadm-control-plane

Add following extra_args to log PowerVS REST API Requests/Responses

    - '-v=5'

Different flavors of deploying workload clusters using CAPIBM.

Note: Currently, both ClusterClass and ClusterResourceset are experimental features.

1. Configuration to deploy workload cluster with external cloud controller manager

To deploy workload cluster with cloud controller manager, set PROVIDER_ID_FORMAT to v2 and enable cluster resourceset feature gate by setting EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET to `true under kustomize_substitutions.

default_registry: "gcr.io/you-project-name-here"
- ../cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud
- ibmcloud
- kubeadm-bootstrap
- kubeadm-control-plane

2. Configuration to deploy workload cluster from ClusterClass template

To deploy workload cluster with clusterclass-template, set the PROVIDER_ID_FORMAT to v2 and enable the feature gates EXP_CLUSTER_RESOURCE_SET and CLUSTER_TOPOLOGY to trueunder kustomize_substitutions.

default_registry: "gcr.io/you-project-name-here"
- ../cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud
- ibmcloud
- kubeadm-bootstrap
- kubeadm-control-plane

3. Configuration to deploy workload cluster with Custom Service Endpoint

To deploy workload cluster with Custom Service Endpoint, Set SERVICE_ENDPOINT environmental variable in semi-colon separated format: ${ServiceRegion}:${ServiceID1}=${URL1},${ServiceID2}=${URL2...}

default_registry: "gcr.io/you-project-name-here"
- ../cluster-api-provider-ibmcloud
- ibmcloud
- kubeadm-bootstrap
- kubeadm-control-plane
  SERVICE_ENDPOINT: "us-south:vpc=https://us-south-stage01.iaasdev.cloud.ibm.com,powervs=https://dal.power-iaas.test.cloud.ibm.com,rc=https://resource-controller.test.cloud.ibm.com"
  IBMCLOUD_AUTH_URL: "https://iam.test.cloud.ibm.com"

NOTE: For information about all the fields that can be used in the tilt-settings.yaml file, check them here.

Run Tilt

To launch your development environment, run:

tilt up

Kind cluster becomes a management cluster after this point, check the pods running on the kind cluster by running kubectl get pods -A.

Create workload clusters

To provision your workload cluster, check the Creating a cluster section for VPC and PowerVS.

After deploying it, check the tilt logs and wait for the clusters to be created.

Clean up

Before deleting the kind cluster, make sure you delete all the workload clusters.

kubectl delete cluster <clustername>
tilt up (ctrl-c)
kind delete cluster